Saturday August 20, 2022
How to Start a Grocery Store in Dubai?
Dubai provides its firms with a working environment that is considered the most attractive and liberal in the region of the Middle East. Hence, starting a new business in Dubai is crucial to future growth. A Grocery Store always has its own scope while there are so many supermarkets. Now we will focus on How to establish a grocery store in Dubai.
There are few things that can affect the stability and profit of your startup if you are going to establish a grocery store in Dubai. Here are the key components to starting a small business in Dubai such as a retail shop or a grocery store.
Find a Suitable Location for Grocery Shop.
Success in every business is highly dependent on the in-depth knowledge about the area and customer in that area. Yes for a small business it is critical to identify the best place to start a grocery store. Thus you understand the locality and have an idea of the customer needs you can provide the best products and sustain for the long run.
Find a Local Partner for Grocery Shop Registration.
When you are going to discuss how to register a Mainland Company in Dubai, it is essential to have a local partner in a mainland company in Dubai. this local partner also knows as a local sponsor of the company having a 51% share in your business. we can assist you to find a trusted local Sponsor in Dubai.
Grocery License in DED
Activity Code: 4711003
Activity Description: Includes commercial firms whose activities are based on the marketing of certain consumer products and goods, such as fresh, preserved and canned foodstuff, household utensils, and detergents.
Rules For Grocery Store In Dubai
To run a smooth operation of a grocery store in UAE, there some set of rules described by Dep. of Economic Development (Commercial Compliance & Consumer Protection Sector). Read it once so it should be clear, what thing is permitted and restricted in a grocery store.
- Sale policy shall be declared to the consumer through an appropriate means of declaration including the goods return, replacement or reparation.
- Pots, electric devices, vegetables, fruits, clothing, and kids’ toys shall not be over-displayed.
- This business license is subject to Dubai Municipality rules and regulation, DM holds a right to regulate it.
- The consumer shall obtain an invoice for the purchased goods.
- Groceries shall not sell tobacco products other than cigarettes. Products whose sale is not permissible to include model, instruments, and equipment of hookah and pipes, in addition to the gas refilling boxes.
- If the grocery has a warehouse in a separate location, a signboard shall be installed carrying the name of the warehouse and grocery.
- No counterfeit goods shall be promoted, sold or displayed.
- The commercial name mentioned in the license shall be similar to the name on the signboard.
- No fireworks, explosives, or any toys containing gunpowder or flammables shall be sold or stored.
- The store shall not participate in any promotional campaigns unless the relevant permits are obtained by the mother company where the grocery’s participation is permitted. No store may carry out private promotional offers unless it obtains the relevant permit
- Prices shall appear on goods and commodities.
- No activity shall be practiced after 12 am unless the relevant permit is obtained.
- No grocery shall practice wholesale, meaning the selling of large quantities of goods to other stores.
- Laws which regulate the consumer’s rights shall be taken into account, i.e. the phrase “The sold goods are neither returnable nor exchangeable” shall not appear on the invoice. No additional fees shall be imposed against the use of credit cards.
- The grocery shall not sell any medical, pharmaceutical, herbal, or cosmetic products.
Note: all above rules are referred from the Dubai Municipality Guidelines, it may be changed in future.
Elegant Services share information on how to open a grocery store in Dubai. While the department of Economy and Dubai Municipality frequently updating their term and conditions. So it may be changed or update any time without prior notice.
If any change in policy from any related department took place, we will be not responsible in future. This article is published for information sharing.
Contact us for Register a Trade License in DED, We offer Document Clearing and PRO Services for Company Formation in Dubai Mainland and Free Zone.